2005: an overview

An incomplete, retrospective list of work, talks and more in 2005…

Photo of three people in a seminar room with a computer screen projected on a wall
Me and Tuna sharing updates on database work in the seminar room at Çatalhöyük Research Project

In 2005 I did more fieldwork at Çatalhöyük and gave a seminar on 'Not One Voice But Many: The Çatalhöyük Database' while I was on-site in July 2005. Some of my work is documented in the Çatalhöyük Archive Report 2005, including work on ground stones, macro botany, and figurines reports, as well as my own brief database report Çatalhöyük 2005 Archive Report Database and IT Team.

I gave a paper on 'The IT Strategy for Exploring 20th Century London' at the Museums Association Conference, October 24, 2005, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.

I also did a talk on the '20th Century London' Project IT Strategy at the On Line Galleries and Narrative Workshop, Manchester City Galleries, Manchester Museums Consortium, December 12, 2005.

Archive report: Çatalhöyük Archive Report 2004

While I'd started working on the project in 2003, 2004 was my first year on site at Çatalhöyük, a research dig at a Neolithic site in Anatolian Turkey.

My role was to discover the data recording, analysis and publication requirements for various specialist labs as well as the dig as a whole while working to clean, merge and centralise various stand-alone Access databases onto a single SQL Server installation.  I worked on specialist databases including Figurines, Pottery, Stamp seals, Human remains, Digital photography, Faunal, Crates, Finds Log, Conservation, Micromorphology, and the shared Diary.

While I was familiar with the single context recording system used on site, as a post-processual site, it was an interesting change from working with MoLAS and I found my previous background as a humanities student informed my understanding of the need to structure the recording of material and formal characteristics of various finds across existing specialisms.

With Rich May I wrote a brief Database & IT Developments report for the Çatalhöyük Archive Report 2004. The impact of the on-going database work is evident in other reports, such as the Figurines 2004 report.