Keynote: 'The gift that gives twice: crowdsourcing as productive engagement with cultural heritage'

I was invited to give a keynote at 'The Shape of Things: New and emerging technology-enabled models of participation through VGC' at the School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester.  This was the first event for the AHRC-funded iSay: Visitor-Generated Content in Heritage Institutions project.

I wrote up my research for this lecture into an article for Curator Journal, From Tagging to Theorizing: Deepening Engagement with Cultural Heritage through Crowdsourcing. If you have don't have access to the journal through your library, the pre-print is available from the Open University repository here.

My slides are below and I've blogged Notes from 'The Shape of Things: New and emerging technology-enabled models of participation through VGC'. I've also saved an archive of isayevent_tweets_2013_02_01 (CSV).

If you found this post useful, you might be interested in my book, Crowdsourcing Our Cultural Heritage.

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