Having successfully passed the SXSW 'panel picker' process, I went to SXSW Interactive 2016 to discuss 'building the crowdsourcing community of your dreams' with Ben Brumfield, Meghan Ferriter and Siobhan Leachman (aka @benwbrum, @meghaninmotion and @SiobhanLeachman). We were in the 'Art, Science, & Inspiration' track, and while it may have been luck with timing or our title, the venue was standing room only for a while.
Our slides are online, and we put together a list of further resources to tweet during the panel at http://bit.ly/GLAMcrowd.
Siobhan storified our session and also posted her talk notes. She's such a passionate volunteer, and you couldn't get a better account of 'How cultural institutions encouraged me to participate in crowdsourcing & the factors I consider before donating my time'.

#GLAMcrowd panel at #SXSW2016 are #killingit@SiobhanLeachman@benwbrum@mia_out@MeghaninMotion. Miss u @VLeachmanpic.twitter.com/626E5InIse
— Effie Kapsalis (@digitaleffie) March 12, 2016
If you're interested in our panel, you might also be interested in the later 'SXSW 2016 – Give It Away to Get Rich: Open Cultural Heritage'.

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